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Change the default color palette

December 4, 2024

By default, Chakra UI uses the gray color palette for various UI elements like selection backgrounds and hover states. You can customize this default behavior by modifying the global CSS configuration.

Customizing the default color palette

Use the createSystem method to override the default color palette in your theme configuration:


const config = defineConfig({
  globalCss: {
    html: {
      colorPalette: "blue", // Change this to any color palette you prefer

export const system = createSystem(defaultConfig, config)

Next, add the new system to your components/ui/provider.tsx file:

"use client"

import { system } from "@/components/theme"
import { ChakraProvider } from "@chakra-ui/react"

export function Provider(props: ColorModeProviderProps) {
  return (
    <ChakraProvider value={system}>
      <ColorModeProvider {...props} />

What this affects

Changing the default color palette will affect various UI elements across your application, including:

Using custom color palettes

You can use any of the built-in color palettes or your own custom color palette:

// Built-in color palettes
colorPalette: "blue"
colorPalette: "green"
colorPalette: "red"

// Custom color palette (if defined in your theme)
colorPalette: "brand"
When using a custom color palette, make sure you've defined all the necessary color tokens (50-900) and semantic tokens in your theme configuration.

For more information about creating custom color palettes, see the guide on creating custom colors.