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Virtual Color

Create color placeholders for better theming and customization.


Chakra allows you to create a virtual color or color placeholder in your project. The colorPalette property is how you create virtual color.

  bg={{ base: "colorPalette.100", _hover: "colorPalette.200" }}
  Hello World

This will translate to the blue.100 background color and blue.200 background color on hover.


The fundamental requirement for virtual colors is that your colors must have a consistent naming convention. By default, Chakra use 50-950 color values for each color we provide.

This makes it easier for you to create and use virtual colors. Let's say we need to create a themable outline button from scratch.

    borderColor: "colorPalette.600",
  Click me


Virtual colors are most useful when used with recipes.

const buttonRecipe = defineRecipe({
  base: {
    display: "flex",
    alignItems: "center",
    justifyContent: "center",
    // set the color palette
    colorPalette: "blue",
  variants: {
    variant: {
      primary: {
        bg: "colorPalette.500",
        color: "white",
      outline: {
        borderWidth: "1px",
        borderColor: "colorPalette.500",
        _hover: {
          borderColor: "colorPalette.600",


Most built-in components in Chakra support virtual colors.

<Button colorPalette="blue">Click me</Button>
<Button colorPalette="red" variant="outline">
  Click me

Dark mode

Another amazing thing you can do with virtual colors is to use them with dark mode.

  bg={{ base: "colorPalette.600", _dark: "colorPalette.400" }}
  Hello World

This element will have a blue.600 background color in light mode and a blue.400 background color in dark mode.